Structure/organize content

Hi Everyone,

I was thinking about how all the contents could be better organized/categorized, so we can find them more easily. Does anyone have suggestions for that?

As David has already suggested, there is a tutorial structure (AWEA tutorial) and other projects like Brightwind and Windkit and etc…

Some questions:
-how can we organize/categorize them (projects like Windkit, Pywake and etc…) as one user guide (or within one tutorial/short course)?
-What are the most common python libraries used for resource assessment? maybe we could make a survey here and define the categories based on it.
-How can we have a big picture of all python libraries and applications for resource assessment?


HI @sakayoshi ,

Trying to take your questions in order .

  1. Could we order the tools relatively simply into "Data Cleaning & manipulation , " "Wind Resource tools " , “Wind Flow modelling”, “Wake modelling” etc . There may be overlap
  2. Probably need to leave it to everybody else to list the libraries as I fear i may not know them all but once we have a list we can create a poll here (click the cog in the top panel of the reply box and select build poll) so if other start listing the libraries they use we can get that together.

Hi David,

Thanks for your response. I hope we can figure out the best way to organize and categorize all the content and make it easy and valuable for everyone here.

I can not see the poll option in my panel. Maybe I don’t have this option. If there is something I can collaborate on, I will be glad to do it.

Congrats on creating this space.


It may just be admins and moderators who can put polls together . I will keep an eye on this chat and make sure to put a poll together when we get enough feedback

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Hi @sakayoshi

I think we can start a new thread with tutorials & guides, sepparated from the awesome list where tools & libraries & plattforms are shown. We’ll try to keep awesome updated with all relevant & most important python tools. Anyway, I do think a new category “tutorials & guides” would be great. What do you think?

Hi @oriol ,

It sounds good to create a new category “tutorial & guides”. Maybe it can be helpful for those (like me) who want to develop a course about wind resource assessment using python.

Maybe, it can help to discuss about the requirements of each tool/library, and how to organize a course at different levels (from beginners to experts) and etc…


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Yes, a tutorial category sounds like a good idea . It may be worth referencing this category in the awesome list if it going to sit separate just incase anybody is looking for this sort of content and ends up in the Awesome-list?

I wonder if some of the people who have created these libraries/ packages would be willing to bring together some worked examples ? @neildavis @stephenholleran @SchmJo or maybe you already have these and it’s simply a matter of pointing towards the examples in documentation ?

Also I am aware there are a number of commercial products which offer Python integration. I am keen these are included in the Awesome-list and if tutorials etc are public then that could also be helpful. @TomLevick @WolfgangSchlez what are your thoughts on this ?

Yes, it is a good idea to create a tutorial category at the Aweome list as it seems to have a list of tutorials of different tools available. Maybe we should wait for other feedback and demands before creating a new tread with tutorials and guides.


Yes, I agree Wakeblaster is awsome :smiley: ! Please add WakeBlaster - I just submitted an entry for the awesome list.

Speaking for FOXES, some running examples are stated in the documentation.

The code is still growing - so more examples will be coming up on that page in the next 6 months.

@AliceGB mentioned QGIS in her introduction(Welcome to the Forum Alice) and this has me thinking. I think GIS or geographic data science is actually pretty important to what we do - at least its one of the things i like to use Python for.

Does this deserve its own catagory or section on the awesome list ?

For example , QGIS and ArcPro don’t currently accept .map or .wrg inputs . Between us we could create some add ins ( tbh i think these already exists ) to help the community use wind specific inputs for GIS software

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I had thought about adding a GIS tools section, but needed to figure out what exactly to include, as there are a lot of packages that we use and perhaps not all of them are “awesome”.

QGIS should be able to open .map files that only have elevation or roughness lines, not combo-files, which contain both line types. WindKit allows for reading the combo files and splitting them.

DTU is also going to be releasing some tutorials on creating elevation maps and roughness maps in QGIS before the end of the year. These will likely include some plugins to help with the workflow.